Your lie in april anime tvtropes
Your lie in april anime tvtropes

your lie in april anime tvtropes

This is a staple of action-adventure anime, where the main character will fight and defeat an opponent and that opponent will graciously accept defeat or realize they were wrong to fight and will become an ally of the good guy instead. Whether it’s dressing her up in Victoria’s Secret’s finest, having her try to seduce the main character (not exaggerating), or just plain showing her naked (also not exaggerating), anime is well-versed in making everyone in the room do the awkward cringe. But this is Japan, so every time there’s an underage cast member, they MUST sexualize her. A younger girl falling for an older guy can be kind of cute. Sometimes they’re older than they look, but we know what they’re trying to pull.Ī younger cast member is good. She’s always small, curveless, and basically looks like a child. Most girls in harems are teenagers, and therefore underage, but there’s always one that’s, like, eleven. In every harem anime I’ve ever seen and in many other anime as well, there’s always one girl who is…well, illegal. If someone has glasses in an anime, there’s a 90% chance they’ll hold this pose in EVERY SCENE THEY’RE IN! If your glasses are falling off that much, get new ones! Even at the end, when the guy has picked his gal, they’re all still in love with him, still pursuing him, and everybody’s still buddy-buddy! I CALL CRAP! They’re all having a great time together competing over this one guy they’re all so adamantly in love with! Okay, it’s originally less than that, but that’s the end result and they’re all chums except for one or two episodes. Come on, there’s not ONE character who’s an aggressive jerk? The worst example is “Shuffle.” Color-coded so you can tell the difference! In most others, the girls are all unusually civil.

your lie in april anime tvtropes

If 3-5 girls were competing over one guy, what would be the end result? That’s right, BLOOD! And 99% of harem animes take place in high school, where jealousy is the school mascot and common sense gets its lunch money stolen by emotions!Īnd yet, the only anime I’ve ever seen that depicts this accurately is “School Days,” which actually does end in a horribly dark manner. Yeah, stupid and adolescent, but there’s always a couple of crack-ups!īut let’s think about this for a second. For those of you who don’t know, a harem anime is about several girls all competing over one guy’s affections. My wife and I watch a lot of harem anime because, well, they’re hilarious. Five Girls, One Guy? Let’s all be Friends! I’m a young, white-blooded guy, and even I have to roll my eyes at the lunacy of some boys’ imaginations, cuz you know a girl didn’t write this crap.Ĩ. Nudity is one thing, and going to the beach and the guys zooming in on the girls, that’s at least a realistic depiction of a teenage guy.īut when a girl turns around and everything goes ga-boing-boing-boiiiing! Sorry, that’s where things just get stupid. I’m not talking build-up to the fight, I’m talking the two have squared off and are about to duke it out, but decide to taunt each other for FOUR EPISODES! Come on, people, it’s an action anime, GET ON WITH IT! Your points on Calvinism are well-founded, now I shall counter your point with a well-prepared slide show!įrom what I’ve gathered, sexual content is more socially acceptable in Japan than America, so I guess it’s a cultural issue, but COME ON! I know I’m a Christian, so there’s that, but I know it’s not just me.

your lie in april anime tvtropes your lie in april anime tvtropes

Remember Dragon Ball Z? I only watched about 8 episodes total, but I quickly realized one problem with the show: for every one episode of combat, there were four episodes of talking about it. I admire the beauty of the art, the excitement of the craft, and most importantly, the use of animation on an audience that’s older than 10 without jumping straight to South Park. As with many things in my life, I have a love/hate relationship with anime.

Your lie in april anime tvtropes